Wednesday 20 June 2012


Decide to do hunting recently. I have been targeting few stocks and monitoring. Yet, today i discover IVORY looks like having a high volume breakout. I enter at 0.53. GOD BLESS AND HAPPY TRADING.


Sunday 17 June 2012


真正的財富是甚麼?也許你沒有富爸爸,沒有可減少奮鬥20年的終身伴侶,但懂得人情學,一 樣可以得到貴人或多方相助。
創造財富,不等於創造收入,創造真正財富的唯一方式是“杠杆”你的時間、金錢和精力,因而10 小時的工作可帶來100小時,甚至1000小時的報酬。
35歲前的學富期,重點在“學”、不在“富”,這個時期要像樹根一樣,全力吸收生命的養, 尋找一個適合自己的致富方法。36歲至55歲的創富期,成功關鍵在於勇氣與執著,機會來了要牢牢抓住,才能一舉創造財富。55歲後的享富期,人生重心在於 善用金錢的力量,把握生命的光和熱,為自己也為社會開創更大的價值。
創造收入是臨時的,你必須要工作,否則你就沒有收入;創造財富卻是永久的,富人變得更富是因為 他們透過長期投資,而獲得杠杆推力。
白手起家的富豪們是藉以下的這些特質開始經營規劃屬於他們的璀璨人生,躋身成為“有錢人”行 列。現在,想致富的你別再裹足不前,快點以這些特質為目標,積極邁步向前改變,做個快活新富族!
有錢人認為自己有很大的主控權,他們認為自己可以選擇為錢辛苦或是前途茫茫,因此一旦遇到不能 賺大錢時,不會一味“責怪”經濟不景氣、股市低迷,也不會“抱怨”周遭人事物不如他意,更不會在沒賺錢時,就將事情合理化,說些“錢不是真的很重要”之類 的喪氣話。
特質2:持續夢 想的創造力
有錢人知道只要一點創意,就可以想辦法擁有穿越現實與夢想這兩個世界裡最美好的部份,不讓自己 侷限在“有錢人該怎麼做”的框架裡。
如果你繼續做你從以前到現在一直在做的事,你就會繼續得到你一直以來所得到的東西。其實只有透 過不斷地學習,才能增加自己的存在價值,提昇個人能力。
有錢人認為小小的想法和小小的行動,只會導致貧窮和缺乏成就感,只有遠大的想法,才能擁有金錢 和生命的意義。
現今通貨膨脹日趨嚴重,加上股市低迷、存款利率低、薪資零成長,很多民眾感到日子越來越難過。 其實,若你想當個快活新富族,除了學習上述的有錢人特質外,首先要做的第一件事情是:“拋開窮人心態!”,才能迅速向貧窮說再見!
有些人總消極地認為想要有錢,就必須像條狗般工作,那麼人生有何樂趣?這種觀念成了大部份人無 法成為有錢人的阻礙,對有錢人來說,他們認為賺更多錢,可以讓生活更有樂趣。
有錢人會為自己生活中的結果負責,而他們的行動總是基於這個想法:“條條大路通羅馬,總有會通 的出路。”他們期待成功,對自己的能力和創意充滿信心,即使遇到瓶頸,也可以找到其他方法來解決。
“穩定的薪水”這個概念,往往會阻礙你賺更多錢。有錢人通常會在某種形式上擁有自己的事業,讓 人替他賺錢,再用錢滾錢,從利潤中賺得自己的收入。
窮人會用憎惡、嫉妒卻又羨慕的態度看待別人的成功。事實上,憎恨有錢人只能讓你繼續保持貧窮; 而模仿有錢人的成功法則,才是讓你成為有錢人的最佳捷徑。
有錢人通常會將其他成功人士當作激勵自己成長的動力,並,告訴自己:“如果他們做得到,我也可 以。”因此,他們喜歡接近有錢人,學習他們的優點和長處。
厭倦或害怕行銷自己,是最容易阻礙成功的絆石, 對於宣傳和銷售有困難的人,通常不怎麼富有,因為如果你不願讓別人認識、瞭解你,又如何能要求他人發覺你的長處?
有些人做事是為了求生存和保住安全感,一般人對錢沒有急迫感,但真正的有錢人會想追求擁有大量 的財富,他們認為一個人有強烈意念想賺入足夠的錢,就會得到那些錢。
談到錢,一般人通常都會問:“你賺多少?”,卻很少聽到人問:“你的淨值是多少?”所謂淨值, 是指你所擁有的全部東西的財務價值,也是衡量財富的真正標準,而非工作收入。通常有錢人會憑自己的實力努力賺錢,並以儲蓄、投資來增加財富淨值,而窮人則 常侷限在原有生活的穩定框架中,不敢挑戰要求能力高、薪水相對較高的工作。
有錢人管理金錢的習慣和窮人不同,窮人常會說:“等我有了很多錢,我就會開始管理錢。”然而, 有錢人的觀念卻是“在我開始管理錢之後,我就會有很多的錢。”換句話說,窮人往往沒有存錢與投資的概念和方法。
以往我們總認為“一塊錢的工作換一塊錢的酬勞。”這句話並沒錯,只不過忘了告訴你該如何處理那 “一塊錢的酬勞”。只要懂得如何處理那一塊錢,將它轉為儲蓄或投資,就能讓你從辛苦工作,邁向聰明工作,甚至讓錢為你工作,一步步累積財富淨值。
許多人在尚未致富前,就想要過自由自在的生活,深究其未能致富的原因在於:不敢放膽追求夢想、 不願活在當下。讓我們再仔細想想,這不正是富人創造財富、面對人生的“心態”嗎?
想啟動快樂富足的能力,邁向有錢人的行列嗎?請你跟著以下3項步驟,一步步進行,讓你成為有錢 人!
拋開心中的自我瓶頸吧!最大的敵人往往就是自己,你可以經由重新“探索自我”、“改造自我”, 發現新的方法成功致富。如果你能從現在就開始行動,相信在10年之內,就能達到富足一生的境界。
這包括現階段的資產與負債狀況、收入與支出的現金流、職業及家庭成員的概況等。不過,由於每個 人的情況不同,能夠承受的風險、追求的報酬也不盡相同,因此投資者應該先檢視自身年齡、性格、風險承受度、家庭財務狀況、理財目標、投資期限,並找出資產 配置的財務資源,再訂出投資目標,以便能累積財富。
追求富足的人,應該視“改變”為常態,擁有“彈性”的思想、眼界與態度,才能輕鬆自如地活在當 下。俗話說:“山不轉路轉,路不轉人轉。”根據自己所設定的目標,享有對等的成果,絕對沒有不快樂和不滿足的理由。
企業創富實際上是個性創富,自己創業的朋友要知道:成功不是必然的,失敗更不是偶然的。許多時 候,一些簡單的哲理、方法或原則,卻能夠成為你創富的基礎和財富的守護神,包括:
1. 不要守株待兔
做生意不能只是等顧客上, 那樣只會讓生意垮掉,只有行動才有機會贏利。
2. 不要膽小如鼠
經營公司一定要有足夠大的膽量。所謂大膽設想,小心求證是必須的;但不能膽小如鼠,做事情畏頭 畏尾。
3. 不要等賣高價
有人喜歡“三年不開張,開張吃三年”,但是商品不可能越賣越貴,也不可能長久增價。在品牌、質 量等都沒有優勢的前提下,你可能只能選擇“貨如輪轉、薄利多銷”。無論賺多少都應該趕快把貨賣出去。貨物隨季節和時尚潮流跟風而動,坐等高價,吃虧的是自 己。
4. 不要只顧存錢
投資是為了創富,賺錢是最重要。如果你賺了錢就只考慮存進銀行,不願意進行資金滾動周轉的話, 這不是叫做“經營”。
5. 不要眼高手低
做生意最忌諱的就是眼高手低,好高騖遠。有些人一說起創業說得天花亂墜,錢賺得太少的生意又不 肯做。創業者通常是從小本小利開始賺起,一點一滴積累,想一口吃成胖子,是不實際的。
6. 不要跟班學樣
創業最可貴的是有創新精神,總跟在別人後面有樣學樣,別人賣甚麼你就賣甚麼,這等於被人牽著鼻 子走,別人把利益搶去了,剩下給你的還會有多少呢?要搶先一步佔領市, 要的是自我創新。
7. 不要過於衝動
當你在創富的過程中,偶爾獲知了某些熱門信息,切忌匆忙行動。不做好充份準備而盲目行動,就等 於打一場無準備的仗一樣,後果可想而知。
8. 不要隨波逐流
追時尚、跟風、趕潮流之類的投資意味著要付出相當高的成本,而且如風一般快來快去。做生意一味 跟風、左看右看,結果只能是虧多賺少。當看中某個目標,是別人還未注意到的,不妨大膽求證。記住,3分機會要嘗試,5分機會要投入,7分機會要全力。
世界上有多種的創意致富法,取決於不同的情況,不過一定要緊記,經營最可靠的是創意,一個好點 子、好創意往往能使你的經營之路柳暗花明。
1. 借“產品”做市場
把別人經過市場檢驗、但知名度不高的好產品拿來,放到自己所在的地區銷售,利用“薄利多銷”的 原則來迅速贏得客戶群,前提是自己的產品必須與該產品有互輔性。之後,再把自己的產品跟進推銷給這些客戶。這種策略適合那些沒有特色、競爭激烈、知名度較 低的新產品。
你寫作一本電子書,免費提供給對方。對方把該電子書作為他們自己的網站吸引流量,或是提昇銷 售,促使閱讀此書的客戶來購買你的產品。
3. 商品聯合促銷
4. 客戶資源互換
找到其他商家,跟他交換客戶資源。即你可以直接針對他的客戶進行促銷;反之,他也可以針對你的 客戶進行促銷,這種方法是增值客戶最快的途徑。
5. 增加客戶購買率
找到新的產品(或是產品的組合)出售,使自己的客戶購買率增加。例如理發店可以提供“一人辦 卡,全家受益”方案,即一個人辦的月卡、年卡,可以把此卡轉交給任何家人,使全家人都可以持有此卡去理發店享受服務。
6. 把客戶變推銷員
制定一套方案,鼓勵客戶轉介紹其他的朋友。例如在美容院,一人消費需要100令吉,而兩人一起 來,則只需要150令吉。
7. 以“免費電子書”
如果你發現了某件商品,其品質非常出色,但是該商家卻苦於“默默無聞、不為人知”,這時你可以 跟該商家簽訂合作協議,把商品特色包裝在一篇文章,或是“免費電子書”裡,並附上商家的聯繫方式。只要有客戶或網友看到此文章,就有機會對該商品產生興 趣。
8. 借用別人的智慧為自己謀利
瞭解某商家的產品及銷售情況後,與該商家簽訂一份“短期增收”合作計劃,即承諾可以在短期內提 昇該商家的收益,而新增收益的一部份則作為自己的“服務費”。
9. 多商家產品的搭配增值
如果有兩個商家,其產品可以形成互補。那麼,你就可以撮合他們合作,把各自的商品拿出來放在一 起,針對兩家客戶群,搞聯合促銷,而你則可以從中提取一部份新增利潤作為自己的收益。
10. 借著名搜索網站來賺錢
如果你發現某商品比較有潛力,而其知名度不是很高,你可與該商家簽約合作,幫他宣傳並按成交額 獲酬。之後你到搜索網站上,購買與商品相關的廣告關鍵詞,只要有人從搜索引擎的關鍵詞找到你,並點擊你購買的“關鍵詞廣告”,就可以跳轉到該商家的頁面。 如果瀏覽者購買了該商家的產品,你就可從中獲利。
11. 借“贈品”獲利
從別的商家手中獲得“免費贈品”,然後把這些“免費贈品”提供給別的客戶。這些客戶想獲得“贈 品”,就要留下“聯繫方式”。你積累一定的客戶資源之後,就可以通過促銷別人的商品來獲利。
12. 借“廣告”獲商家資源
發佈廣告“免費贈送某行業報告”,吸引商家與你聯繫之後,你把針對該行業所設想的幾套杠杆借力 方案贈送給他。他感興趣之後,就由你為他做制訂一套“杠杆借力方式”,並從新增利潤中取得收益。
13. 做一段精彩的影片來賺錢
在創造財富的過程中,千萬別說:“我不會失敗!”,因為這方面你做不了主!所以,務必給 自己留點資金,當作最後的糧食,留一部份資金放起來,哪怕前期不準備,但是一定要做這樣的規劃,給自己留一點“東山再起”的糧食,才能夠保證在創業失敗 時,不讓自己陷入流落街頭困境,否則會很難再次爬起來。

Friday 1 June 2012


1st half year i did some stupid mistake oledi. Buy cepat without analysis. Lose confidence on FITTERS.

Did some mistakes again
Last week i am seeing huayang, cmmt and supermx. 
Yet, I have no guts to enter. As a newbie i am always impacted by the surrounding investing atmosphere.
Now, all of them have risen
I am just holding FAVCO which 1Q 2012 results is much satisfactory but there is no research house cover it yet.
It is still undervalued. I need to remind myself to accumulate FAVCO if it falls till the price I am ok with tat.

Wednesday 25 April 2012


We came back with an optimistic view on Sarawak Plantation (SWKPLNT)after a meeting with its management. We reckon that the company is now apotential turnaround story that could be worth following. The main catalystwill be the significant jump in the group's FFB yield in the next two years fromits current low base of 13.0mt/ha to 19.8mt/ha in FY13E. The company'svaluation is also extremely attractive as it currently trades at only 9.0xFY12E PER, a PEG of 0.65x, and a EV/planted hectare of c.RM26,000 (all of theseare lower than all planters under our coverage). The additional sweetener will beits superior FY12E-FY13E dividend yield of 5.5%-6.9%. We estimate FY12-13E netprofit to be at RM94m-RM116m, representing a strong 14%-24% YoY growth. Wevalue SWKPLNT at RM3.70, pegging its 3-year average Fwd. PER of 11.0x to ourFY12E EPS of 33.45 sen.

Expects a strongturnaround. SWKPLNT elected a new Managing Director in Mar-2011 and a newChief Operating Officer in Oct-2011. These changes in management saw animpressive earnings growth of 139% YoY to RM82m in FY2011. The good result wasmainly attributed to a successful enhancement of the company's Fresh Fruit Bunch(FFB) yield by 15% to 13.0 mt/ha and the Oil Extraction Rate (OER) by 42pp to21.03%. We believe the company's turnaround is still at its very early stage,judging from the group's low base FFB yield at 13.0 mt/ha. In 2013E, the FFByield should improve to the industry level of c.20.0mt/ha, leading to a 40%surge in the FFB production to 440,488 mt (from 314,758 mt in FY11).

Deeply undervalued.Trading at only 9.0x FY12E PER, a PEG of 0.65x, and a EV/planted hectare ofc.RM26,000, the market has clearly under-appreciated this stock. SWKPLNT'sFY12E PER of 9.0x is at least 32% lower than other mid-cap pure planters whichtrades between 13.3x-15.6x their FY12E PER. Its EV/planted ha. of c.RM26,000 isalso significantly lower than Sarawak Oil Palm's c.RM46,000 and the otherplanters' range of RM70,000-RM73,000.

Aggressive expansionin FY12E. We expect the company to expand its planted area by 9,200 ha(+32% YoY) to 38,504 ha in FY12E. Hence, its immature/planted area ratio willincrease from 12% to 36% by end-FY12E, on par with the bigger-cap planters suchas GENP and IJMP.

Highest dividendyield among planters. We expect generous FY12E-FY13E net dividends of16.7-20.7 sen, representing net dividend yields of 5.5%-6.9%. This is higherthan other planters' net dividend yields, which ranges from 1.3% to 4.4%. Wehave assumed a payout ratio of 50%, slightly lower than the group's 5-yearhistorical payout range of 55%-60% due to its need to conserve some cash to developits land bank.

Good earningsprospect. We expect FY12E-FY13E earnings of RM94m-RM116m, representing astrong growth of 14%-24%. FY12E key earnings driver will be the 23% surge YoYin the FFB roduction to 386,865 mt as the FFB yield improved to 16.8mt/ha (from13.0mt/ha). Note  that we have assumedaverage CPO prices of RM3,100 per mt  forboth FY12E and FY13E, hence its earnings could surprise on the upside shouldCPO prices turn out to be better than expected.

Source: Kenanga

PwC Assessment

This monday I went to Pwc for assessment test. When i reached there, i was almost fainted as we are assigned to sit with those strangers. I can see some are confident, some are nervous...

As for me, I have a Chinese educated background. Yet, when i went there, I have been making friends with others. They were from Taylors, Sunways, Local uni, Australia and so on.

I am glad to be mixed with them with English as conversation english. I was not proactive enough. Need to improve for next time. PwC gives packages of RM2770 for normal degrees and RM2920 for ACCA graduates. If I am shortlisted for interview, should I request for further more ? =)

The assessment needs to do 20question in 20 minutes. I just managed to do 13 to 14 question. God bless. They dun even tell us hw many times left. I just prayed hard i could enter PwC. 

Friday 20 April 2012

They Had Come

Favco and Fitters have come.
Favco breaks a new high and Fitters reach 0.79
All my analysis have been proven.
Great to see portfolio rises.
It is a motivation for my path as well as a reward in my portfolio.
What to do next?
Analysis Delloyd and Swkplant tomorrow.

Thursday 12 April 2012

What do these stocks tell u? =)

Today, 11/4/2012 should be a good day for me. Last week i just entered CEPAT. Yet, I can see such a volume today, breakout? Need tomorrow as a confirmation.

Favco is the stock I most like. Seems contra players after announcing the contract gained had left. Thus, it would be time for my long term holding stock to pull to 1.5 then 1.7. PE now is 5++, if i only sell at PE10, the price would be RM2.70. It is undervalued definitely.

Lastly, Fitters is the one testing me along the way this year. Once i bought, it is dropping, dropping ,dropping! Is there any insider bad news causing the fall? I am making paper loss on this counter despite how good its performance of financial result is. However, I believed and noticed there are big sharks inside. Hehe

Thats all the total of my portfolio for the current moment. 20% target for this year.

Friday 24 February 2012

Hapseng & Favco

Finally two of the stocks im investing has managed to declare a 4.7 sen and 6 sen dividend. This is absolutely impressive and joyful news. Hapseng have HSPLNT while Favco is the world premium crane provider. I will be looking good in the future and prospect of these both stocks. Hapseng is going to expand it well so that to be not so reliance on HSPLNT. Then about favco, it had Krone, the world largest crane operator as its subsidiary, with EPS of 28, is it undervalued? Haha.. stay tuned.

Fitters result is good but it is not aligned with its share price.. It is a relatively growing company. If its new business is becoming more familiar and they would be able to control the cost of the company business better, the financial result will be impressive too..

Happy investing =)

Thursday 2 February 2012

Favelle Favco 7229

Finally favco has managed to make a 8 cents pull today.
Although the volume has been shrinked too much it does prove share market will be following the fundamental of the company.
February would be result released month for Favco. Thus,based on the upside trend i forsee its results will be good. And i wish to have 6-7cents divdend too..

Cheer and Huat in Investing.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Review of January Watchlist

Almost all counters have came.
Mainly are coastal, fitter, hapseng,rsawit
Yet to come are favco, myeg, handal

I had bought more lots in hapseng at RM1.60
It has disappointed me as the pull is not strong enough.
Wish tomorrow will be another good day.
For me, there are too much potential stocks with too little money.
For current stage i am just gaining experience thus it would be ok
My passion on stock investing will be long lasting as it provides me the way to financial freedom

Cheer and happy investing!
Next target REITS!!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Steady and confident mind

When seeing all other stocks are rallying, we need to have steady mind. It would be just the process market is testing you. But adventa gives me a lesson. I have bought while it is with high volume, high prices, and i choose it because i have missed my favourite Supermax.. If that moment i decide enter Supermax, Latex, Topglove, even Harta and kossan i will also gain money. Lesson~ Lesson~


Thursday 12 January 2012


FAVCO      24.7%
CASH         5 %
All are working nicely. Then should no further switch or withdraw unless there is any unusual circumstances. Switch from Adventa to Hapseng means lessons again. It slows down the pace of recovering unrealised loss on Adventa. Adventa moves but Hapseng does not. By the way, I am superb confident with my current portfolio.

*HAPSENG and FAVCO are going to distribute there dividend in February 2012.

Tuesday 10 January 2012


9.08 am Hapseng managed to trade at 1.63 plus 3 cent. But today closing will be important whether can stay above strong resistance.


Do some shopping today. I cut half of the position on Adventa and decided to enter Hapseng. Adventa is just not performing well in its chart and thus i decided to cut half since my entry price might be too high. It might be better if I switch and only average it back in the future The only way to sell a stock when there is another better opportunity and i gotta feeling based on chart pattern. Its volume has been twice to triple of the previous volume and it closes at almost highest point of today.  God bless me and i  need to be confident on myself.

Monday 9 January 2012

7253 Handal

I do not study hard on Handal fundamental, prospect, key risks and management as well.

Handal achieves targeted volume at 3 January 2012 and 4 January 2012. For the safest is to wait for the retrenchment at 0.435. But, it looks highly possible not to achieve this level as the subsequent volume has been shrunk significantly.

Once Handal is breaking out 0.485, it should be likely to go beyond 0.56. As what we see from the chart there has been another two consecutive high volume bars. It might be the signs of big fishs lots during that moment. 

Anyway, the chart is getting nicer and nicer but it is still a stock market which is full with human greed, anxiousness, etc. Thus, nothing is certain but any possibility might happens.  

Saturday 7 January 2012

Second Week Of Stock Filtering

迈入新的一年,我要在第二年的投资生涯做出调整。 今年将趋向volume analysis选股,以公司良好基本面为前提。然后中长期持有~现在2012第二周的watchlist将是:

1. Adventa 因素转好,中长期持有者为多。(volume analysis)
2. Favco 预测二月派发股息,业绩成长,crane佼佼者 (volume analysis)
3. Fitters 业绩成长,用油棕渣发电。(volume analysis)
4. Rsawit 积极发展。前景看好。 (volume analysis)
5. Hapseng 1.60关键 油棕业者。涉及各行业。sharebuyback
6. MYEG (volume analysis)
7. Handal (volume analysis)
8. Mulpha (volume analysis)
9.Cocoland (volume analysis)
10. Mitra (volume analysis)

Monday 2 January 2012

2012 LIFE

2011 had been passed. What had you done during the 2011 year? Seriously as we are already 22 years old we should have a well plan on our future path and prospect. Undeniably, we are not young anymore. Throughout the time, the responsibility and liability will be put on our shoulder and it will be getting heavier and heavier.

As for current moment we are without income, the only way to do is financial management is to cut the unnecessary daily cost, such as those luxury expenses,changing high ended and fashionable phone, those expensive clothes we should not buy by using parent money. As time goes by, this will become our habits and it serves no purposes throughout your future planning. Unless their parents are going to support them financially all the way, if nt i do not see any future benefit that we gain through these clothes.

Of course, it does not mean our life is just talking about money. From those books and forums i saw, it would be  applicable if we are able to save 5% to 10% of our saving each month for other activities, items that we are using to reward ourselves.

Those examples of these expenses would be those items such as ipad, galaxy tab,travelling,etc. It would be useful in our day to day activities or even our appearances. Of course, it might include clothes category that i mentioned. For me, it would be quite unacceptable if some fresh graduates spend their money like tapping water on these item. How many clothes can u wear in a week? Again this is subject to whether those people are still getting money from their rich parent or they have no savings totally throughout their initial working life.